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If you want to find the music in yourself or just enjoy singing, join me with the students of the Kimberly Swan Studio in discovering the JOY OF SINGING!!
Located in Livonia, Michigan, the Studio offers weekly private voice lessons and coaching to students of all ages! Lessons are available to beginners as well as self-taught or experienced students in a variety of different styles. Some of these styles include broadway and music theatre, classical songs and arias, gospel, praise and worship, and pop song classics. Monthly studio classes and an annual Recital are also offered throughout the year to provide a safe environment as you work to hone your singing performance skills.
The love and appreciation of music belongs to everyone. Let me help you uncover your own, unique voice using a combination of vocal exercises and song selection that is designed specifically for YOU and YOUR MUSIC GOALS!!
Please allow me the privilege of helping you achieve your music aspirations! My fees and services are provided on the website. Take that leap to enrich your life through the JOY OF MUSIC!